DALL·E 2023 02 22 21.50.39 left over epoxy resin

Sustainable Resin Disposal: Eco-Friendly Ways to Handle Leftover Resin

When working with resin, it’s important to think about the environment. Disposing of leftover resin can be tricky, but doing it right can help protect our planet. In this article, we’ll explore sustainable resin disposal methods, including solidifying, recycling, composting, and upcycling. Let’s get started!

Environmental Impact of Resin Waste

Improper disposal of resin waste can harm the environment. If resin ends up in landfills or water sources, it can contaminate soil and water, harming plants and animals. The fumes from uncured resin can also be toxic. To prevent this, it’s important to adopt responsible sustainable resin disposal practices.

Different Sustainable Resin Disposal Methods

There are several different ways to dispose of waste resin, including:

  1. Solidify and Dispose of Safely:
    • To safely dispose of liquid resin, let it harden into a solid form. Once it’s solid, you can throw it away with your regular trash. This prevents it from leaking into the environment.
  2. Recycling Possibilities:
    • Some types of resin can be recycled. However, epoxy resin is usually not recyclable due to its hazardous nature. Always check if your resin type can be recycled and find a facility that handles it.
  3. Composting (for Biodegradable Resins):
    • Some resins are made from natural materials and can biodegrade over time. Check with the manufacturer to see if your resin is compostable. If it is, you can add it to your compost bin, where it will break down naturally.
  4. Upcycling Ideas:
    • Instead of throwing away leftover resin, you can use it for DIY projects. Make jewelry, coasters, or keychains. You can also use cured resin pieces as fillers in larger projects like tabletops or countertops.
  5. Energy Recovery:
    • Resin waste can be converted into energy through special recovery systems. This method keeps resin out of landfills and turns it into something useful.
  6. Hazardous Materials Disposal:
    • Leftover or uncured resins are considered hazardous waste, it must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations of the local and federal authorities the same way you do with other hazardous materials.

It is also a good idea to always cap resin containers before disposing

It’s important to research and understands the proper disposal methods for the type of resin you are working with to ensure you’re disposing of the waste in an environmentally responsible way.

Environmental Impact of Resin Waste

A large compost heap under a clear blue sky.
A large compost heap under a bright blue sky, showcasing the natural process of organic material decomposition.
The Dangers of Improper Disposal

Improper disposal of resin waste can have a significant impact on the environment. When cured epoxy waste is dumped in landfills or released into water sources, it can contaminate the soil and water, making them unsuitable for plant and animal life, making proper disposal extremely important. This contaminated soil is very costly and difficult to decontaminate, and removal only prolongs the issue as the hazardous material is only moved to a different location. As cured epoxy is developed using hazardous materials, unsafe disposal of that hazardous waste material can leach those harmful chemicals into the environment, leading to soil and water pollution. Furthermore, the fumes released by uncured resin can be toxic, posing a health risk to people and animals exposed to them.

Resin Waste and Pollution Prevention

To prevent the negative environmental impact of resin waste, it’s crucial to adopt responsible proper disposal practices for hazardous waste. This includes minimizing leftover cured epoxy waste by only mixing the amount needed for a particular project, avoiding unnecessary waste. Resin users can also explore sustainable alternatives such as water-based or bio-based resins that are less harmful to the environment and creating less hazardous waste.

Landfill Diversion and Other Eco-Friendly Options

To divert hazardous waste caused by cured epoxy waste from landfills, consider recycling or upcycling options. Some resin products can be recycled and made into new products, while others can be used to create art and craft projects. Composting is also a viable option for resin waste, as some resin materials can biodegrade over time. this is dependent on the type of resin that you are using Additionally, cured resin waste can be diverted from landfills by using energy recovery systems that convert the waste into usable energy. By exploring sustainable disposal options such as landfill diversion, recycling, and upcycling, resin users can play their part in protecting the environment.

Best Practices To Dispose of Resin Safely

Safe Handling of Unused Resin

The first step in responsible resin disposal is knowing how to handle epoxy resin safely. Always wear gloves and a protective mask when working with resin waste.

To minimize the amount of hazardous waste reaching landfills, avoid mixing more resin than you need for a particular project.

Unused mixed resin will release heat and harmful fumes until it has fully cured, due to this waiting until the resin has cured is extremely important and will reduce the risk of fire in a trash can if your not careful.

Unmixed resin can be saved for later use, provided it is properly stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Recycling and Upcycling Options

At the present time epoxy resin is not recyclable because of the cost-benefit ratio. Meaning that for the effort of recycling, there is not enough return to be beneficial.

The ratio considers the cost of trying to recycle the epoxy into a new product for resale in the market.

A far more viable option is trying to upcycle your leftover resins. the process of upcycling is beneficial in two ways the first being that by reusing resins that have been used in previous projects you divert waste from going to landfill.

The second benefit is that the cost of your projects goes down because you are not using a large amount of fresh resin for each project.

You can upcycle unused cured epoxy by using it as a void filler for larger projects like countertops and resin tables . A void Filler is a material such as cut up cured resin waste that you use to fill a large areas of space in a project instead of using fresh resin.

The filler can be anything including cured epoxy from previous projects as long as it cannot be seen through the new resin.

Another for of sustainable resin disposal is to implement smaller side project along side your main project, this is where molds are ready for casting a small project like jewelry and shaker charm inserts so that you pour any unneeded resin from your main project into your smaller side project avoiding discarding the unused resin in the trash or trying to find another way to dispose of it.

Composting of Resin Waste

A bucket of organic waste being emptied into a compost bin. this is one example of sustainable resin disposal
A bucket of organic waste is emptied into a compost bin, highlighting the process of composting kitchen scraps and yard waste.

Some resin materials can biodegrade over time and can be composted, allowing the resin to break down naturally.

It’s important to note that not all types of resin are compostable, so be sure to check with the manufacturer before attempting to compost.

Additionally, you should only compost resin materials that are made from natural and organic components.

If the resin contains any toxic substances such as epoxy resins, it should not be composted as epoxies are not suitable for sustainable resin disposal through composting.

In conclusion, it’s important to dispose of waste resin in a responsible and eco-friendly manner.

Best practices for resin disposal include safe handling, recycling and upcycling, and composting and biodegradation.

By following these practices, you can minimize the environmental impact of resin waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.

DIY Projects and Artistic Uses of Resin Waste

Upcycling Ideas for Leftover Resin

Upcycling leftover epoxy resin is a great way to give it a new life and prevent it from ending up in landfills.

Resin waste can be used to create a variety of artistic and practical items. For example, you can use leftover resin to make jewelry, coasters, and other decorative objects.

You can also use it to make tabletops, countertops, and other surfaces by pouring the resin over the desired surface and allowing it to harden.

Examples of Resin-based Art and Crafts

A set of round wooden coasters with blue resin inlays, with two glasses of lemonade on top.
A set of round wooden coasters with striking blue resin inlays, featuring two glasses of lemonade with lemon slices and straws.

Resin is a versatile material that can be used to create a variety of stunning art and crafts.

For instance, you can use resin to make unique paintings by mixing it with paint and pouring it onto a canvas.

You can also create resin sculptures and 3D art by using molds to shape the resin into your desired shape.

Resin can also be used to make colorful resin river tables and coasters, which are increasingly popular in home decor.

Tips for Eco-Friendly Resin Craft Projects

While working with resin can be fun and rewarding, it’s important to keep in mind its impact on the environment.

To minimize the environmental impact of resin art and craft projects, you should consider using eco-friendly resin products.

Some manufacturers offer eco-friendly options that are made from natural materials and are biodegradable. Additionally, you can use eco-friendly pigments and dyes to color your resin projects.

You should also take care to dispose of any waste resin in an environmentally responsible way.

In conclusion, upcycling waste resin can be a great way to get creative and reduce waste.

With a little imagination, you can use resin waste to create a variety of unique and practical objects.

When embarking on a resin art or craft project, it’s important to keep the environment in mind and take steps to minimize the environmental impact of your project.

A wooden serving tray with a marbled resin surface, holding a glass and a candle.
A wooden serving tray with a stunning marbled resin surface, elegantly holding a glass and a candle.

Eco-Friendly Tips for Resin Users

As the demand for resin-based products continues to grow, there is an increasing need for responsible and sustainable practices in the resin industry to dispose of resin and other hazardous materials safely.

Resin users can take several eco-friendly steps to reduce their environmental impact and help promote a more sustainable future.

In this section, we’ll explore some eco-friendly tips for resin users.

Minimizing Leftover Resin

One of the most effective ways to reduce the environmental impact of leftover cured resin is to accurately measure the total capacity of the resin your project requires and match the amount of epoxy resin you prepare before you mix the resin and hardener in separate resin containers in small amounts.

Ideally, when mixing resin and hardener it is best to mix in smaller amounts, this will help with overestimating the amount of resin needed.

Overmixing or overestimating the amount of resin needed can result in leftover resin that will need to be disposed of.

By minimizing leftover resin, you can reduce waste and save money.

Pouring blue resin into a silicone mold in a workshop.
A close-up of blue resin being poured into a silicone mold in a workshop, illustrating the resin casting process.

Proper Storage of Unused Resin

Proper storage of unused resin can also help reduce waste and prolong the life of your resin materials.

Resin should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct UV light and heat sources.

It’s also important to store resin in airtight containers to prevent moisture from entering and causing premature curing.

By storing your resin materials properly, you can reduce the need for frequent replacements and minimize the disposal of spoiled resin.

Stacks of blue chemical containers on shelves in a storage facility.
A storage facility with neatly stacked blue chemical containers on shelves, indicating organized storage of industrial materials.

Sustainable Sourcing of Resin Materials

Choosing sustainably sourced resin materials is another way to reduce your environmental impact as a resin user.

Look for resin products that are made from renewable resources or recycled materials such as Bio resin.

Additionally, consider the environmental practices of the manufacturers you buy from. Do they prioritize sustainability and responsible production methods?

By choosing resin products that align with your values, you can help support a more sustainable and responsible resin industry.

In conclusion, there are several eco-friendly tips for resin users to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainability.

By minimizing leftover resin, properly storing unused resin, and choosing sustainably sourced resin materials, resin users can help support a more responsible and sustainable resin industry.

As the demand for resin-based products continues to grow, it’s important for manufacturers and users alike to prioritize environmentally responsible practices.


Properly disposing of resin is crucial for protecting the environment. By following these sustainable resin disposal practices, you can minimize your impact and contribute to a greener future. Remember to solidify and safely dispose of resin, explore recycling and composting options, and get creative with upcycling. Let’s all do our part to handle resin waste responsibly and support a more sustainable planet.

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