Bio resin materials arranged on a clean workspace, including bio resin bottles, measuring cups, stir sticks, molds, and color pigments

Bio Resin for Beginners: Sustainable Crafting Guide

Introduction to Bio Resin

Welcome to the eco-friendly world of bio resin! This revolutionary material is transforming crafting and DIY projects, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional resins. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned crafter, this guide will help you understand what bio resin is, how to use it, and why it’s a fantastic choice for creating beautiful, sustainable projects.

What is Bio Resin?

Bio resin, or biologically-derived resin, is a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based resins, created from natural resources such as plant oils, starches, or bio-wastes. Unlike traditional resins, which are often criticized for their environmental footprint, bio resin offers a reduced impact solution. It decomposes more quickly and typically releases fewer harmful emissions during production and curing.

A notable example of bio resin’s impact is seen in the surfing industry. EcoPoxy, a leader in bio-based epoxies, has been used by surfboard manufacturers to create more sustainable surfboards. These boards are not only durable and high-performing but also have a significantly lower environmental impact compared to those made with traditional epoxy resins.

Why Use Bio Resins?

Choosing bio resins is a conscious choice that benefits not only the environment but also the health and safety of those using them. Here are several compelling reasons to choose bio resins:

  • Environmental Conservation: Utilizing renewable resources like vegetable oils conserves non-renewable resources, such as petroleum, aiding in overall environmental preservation.
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: The manufacturing process for bio resins produces fewer carbon emissions, contributing significantly to the mitigation of climate change.
  • Biodegradability: Many bio resins are designed to be biodegradable, offering a sustainable solution that minimizes long-term waste and pollution.
  • Health and Safety Benefits: With lower VOC emissions, bio resins are safer to use in less ventilated spaces, reducing the risk of health problems associated with toxic chemical exposure.
  • Support for Green Chemistry: By choosing bio resins, crafters support safer chemical practices and the reduction of hazardous substances in the environment.

Advantages of Using Bio Resin in Crafting

Bio resin offers several advantages that make it a preferred material among eco-conscious crafters:

  • Versatility: Bio resin can be used in a myriad of applications, from jewelry making to furniture coating, offering crafters flexibility in their creative projects.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Bio resin’s ability to cure to a high-gloss finish enhances the visual appeal of crafted items, making them more attractive.
  • Reduced Allergenic Risk: Bio resins are often hypoallergenic, making them a safer choice for crafters with sensitivities to chemicals.

common types of Bio resins

  1. Epoxidized Linseed Oil (ELO): This bio resin is made from linseed oil, a natural oil derived from flax seeds. It’s used in applications requiring a durable and water-resistant finish, such as in wood coatings and paints.
  2. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA): PLA is one of the most popular bio-based plastics and resins, derived from fermented plant starch (usually from corn). It’s commonly used in 3D printing and as a packaging material because it is biodegradable and has good clarity.
  3. Soy-based Resins: These resins are made from soybeans and are used in a variety of applications including foam, coatings, adhesives, and composites. They offer a sustainable alternative with lower environmental impact.
  4. Bio-based Epoxy Resins: Made from plant sources such as pine oils or plant sugars, these resins are used in applications similar to synthetic epoxies, including adhesives, coatings, and composites. They provide strong bonding and resistance properties.
  5. Bio-based Polyurethane (PU): Derived from vegetable oils such as castor oil, bio-based PUs are used in foams, elastomers, and coatings. They are favored for their low toxicity and reduced environmental impact compared to traditional polyurethane.
  6. Aliphatic Polyesters: These include polymers like polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and polybutylene succinate (PBS), which are fully biodegradable and derived from microbial fermentation processes. They are used in packaging, agricultural applications, and biodegradable medical devices.
  7. Cashew Nutshell Liquid (CNSL) Resins: Derived from the cashew nutshell, these resins are used in friction materials, coatings, and adhesives. CNSL resins are known for their high thermal stability and resistance to water and chemicals.

These bio resins offer various environmental benefits, such as reduced carbon footprint and decreased reliance on fossil fuels. They are increasingly used in industries seeking sustainable materials that do not compromise on performance.

Getting Started with Bio Resin

For those new to bio resin, starting your sustainable crafting journey can be simple with the right tools and materials. Using bio resin allows you to create eco-friendly and innovative projects with ease.

Step-by-Step Guide to Your First Bio Resin Project

Embarking on your first bio resin project is an exciting step towards embracing a more sustainable crafting practice. Here’s a detailed guide to ensure your initial experience is successful and enjoyable:

1. Preparation

  • Workspace Setup: Ensure your area is clean and covered to protect against spills. A well-organized space facilitates a smoother workflow and easier cleanup.
  • Gathering Materials: Prepare all your materials beforehand, including resin, hardener, molds, and any colorants or effects you plan to use.

2. Mixing the Resin

  • Measuring Accurately: Use precise measurements to mix the resin and hardener. Incorrect ratios can lead to curing issues.
  • Mixing Thoroughly: Stir the mixture slowly and thoroughly to ensure a uniform consistency and reduce air bubbles.

3. Adding Color and Effects

  • Incorporating Additives: Mix in colorants or effects before pouring. Ensure compatibility with bio resin to maintain the integrity and curing of the resin.

4. Pouring the Resin

  • Technique Matters: Pour slowly and from a low height to minimize air bubbles. Use tools to precisely guide the resin into molds or intricate designs.

5. Curing the Resin

  • Patience is Key: Allow the resin to cure completely in a warm, dust-free setting. Disturbing the resin prematurely can affect the final outcome.

6. Demolding and Finishing Touches

  • Careful Removal: Gently demold the cured resin, making adjustments if necessary.
  • Sanding and Polishing: Sand any rough edges and polish the piece to enhance its appearance and feel.

7. Evaluating and Learning

  • Reflect on the Process: Consider what worked well and what could be improved for future projects. Each creation is a learning opportunity.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Bio Resin Crafting

  • Temperature Matters: Keep your working environment at a consistent temperature, as fluctuations can affect the curing process.
  • Reducing Bubbles: After pouring, gently tap the mold on a hard surface to help bubbles rise to the top and pop.

Bio Resin Safety Measures

Safety is paramount when working with any type of resin, and bio resin offers significant health benefits due to its low VOC emissions and reduced toxicity.

Design Ideas for Bio Resin Crafting

Bio resin’s versatility makes it perfect for various projects:

  • Jewelry: Earrings, necklaces, and bracelets
  • Home Decor: Coasters, trays, and decorative bowls
  • Art: Paintings and mixed media pieces
Bio resin jewelry including earrings, necklaces, and bracelets with embedded flowers and vibrant colors on a rustic wooden table
Create stunning bio resin jewelry with embedded flowers and vibrant colors

Bio resin home decor items including coasters, trays, and decorative bowls with encapsulated leaves and flowers, displayed in a modern living room
Eco-friendly bio resin home decor adds a touch of nature to your living space

Maintaining and Storing Bio Resin Products

To maintain the longevity of bio resin products, keep them away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. For storage, tightly seal your bio resin containers and store them in a cool, dark place to prevent premature curing.

Advanced Techniques for Experienced Crafters

For those ready to advance their bio resin skills, consider exploring techniques like:

A person pouring bio resin into a mold, with a well-organized workspace, wearing protective gloves and a mask
Proper technique and safety measures are essential when crafting with bio resin
  • Encapsulation: Embedding objects such as flowers or photos within the resin to create functional art pieces.
  • Layering Techniques: Experiment with gradient and textured layers to add depth and complexity.
  • Sculpting with Bio Resin: Use bio resin to sculpt freeform shapes or combine with metal powders for cold casting.
  • Marbling Effects: Achieve stunning designs with dirty pour or controlled swirl techniques.
  • Advanced Color Techniques: Master the use of translucent, opaque, and special effect pigments.
  • Finishing Techniques: Polish and sand projects to a high gloss or apply UV coatings for additional protection.

Comparing Bio Resin with Other Resins

When exploring the world of crafting and DIY projects, choosing the right type of resin is crucial. Each type of resin—be it bio resin, epoxy, polyester, or polyurethane—brings its own set of characteristics and benefits. Understanding these differences can help you select the most suitable resin for your specific project needs.

Bio Resin


  • Environmental Impact: Bio resins are made from renewable resources, which makes them more sustainable and environmentally friendly. They often have a lower carbon footprint and can be biodegradable or compostable under industrial conditions.
  • Safety: Generally, bio resins emit lower levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the curing process, making them safer to use in less ventilated spaces and reducing the health risks associated with resin fumes.


  • Curing Time: Bio resins typically have longer curing times compared to synthetic resins. This can be a drawback for projects requiring quick turnaround times.
  • Cost: Due to the processes involved in sourcing and manufacturing eco-friendly materials, bio resins can be more expensive than their synthetic counterparts.

Epoxy Resin


  • Durability: Epoxy resin is known for its superior strength and durability, making it ideal for high-stress applications like flooring, countertops, and outdoor furniture.
  • Versatility: It adheres well to a variety of surfaces, including wood, metal, and concrete, and can be used for a wide range of projects.
  • Clarity and Gloss: Epoxy resin offers excellent clarity and a high-gloss finish, which is particularly valued in art and jewelry making.


  • Toxicity: The chemicals in epoxy resin can be hazardous, releasing fumes that require good ventilation and protective gear during use.
  • UV Sensitivity: Although clear when cured, epoxy can yellow over time when exposed to UV light.

Polyester Resin


  • Cost-Effectiveness: Polyester resin is generally cheaper than both bio and epoxy resin, making it a budget-friendly option for large-scale projects.
  • Quick Curing: Polyester cures faster than bio resin, which can be advantageous in commercial applications where production speed is critical.


  • Brittleness: While strong, polyester resin is more prone to cracking under impact compared to epoxy resin.
  • Odor: The strong odor during the curing process is unpleasant and can be overwhelming without adequate ventilation.

Polyurethane Resin


  • Flexibility: Polyurethane resin can be formulated to be very flexible, which is ideal for molds or products that require a degree of elasticity.
  • Color Stability: Polyurethane is highly resistant to yellowing from UV exposure, maintaining its color clarity over time.


  • Moisture Sensitivity: Polyurethane resins are sensitive to moisture and can bubble or cure improperly if exposed to humidity during the mixing or curing process.
  • Toxicity: Like epoxy, some polyurethane resins can release toxic fumes, requiring protective measures during use.

Resources for Further Learning

Expand your knowledge and skills by tapping into resources like online courses, books, and local workshops. Websites like Resin Obsession, Lets Resin and Ultraclear Epoxy Resin provide in-depth tutorials and community forums for enthusiasts.


What makes bio resin a sustainable choice? Its plant-based origins and biodegradability make it a more sustainable choice, reducing environmental impact compared to synthetic resins.

Can bio resin be used for large projects? Yes, bio resin is scalable and can be used for larger projects, although curing times and methods may vary more than with synthetic resins.


Crafting with bio resin not only allows you to express your creativity but also contributes to a healthier planet. Whether you’re making small personal items or large artistic installations, bio resin is an excellent medium that supports your creative journey and the planet. By choosing bio resin, crafters can engage in an art form that respects environmental values, ensures safer crafting conditions, and fosters innovation in the use of sustainable materials. Embrace the possibilities that bio resin offers and join a growing community of eco-conscious creators who are making a difference one project at a time.

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