A green liquid labeled as poison in a glass bottle with a cork, emitting smoke in a dark setting.

Recognizing Resin Poisoning Symptoms: A Guide for Craft Enthusiasts

Creating stunning resin masterpieces is thrilling, but every resin craft enthusiast must be aware of resin poisoning symptoms. This guide will help you navigate the potential hazards of resin crafting, addressing questions such as is resin toxic and what happens if you ingest resin.

A person wearing a respirator and gloves works meticulously with resin at a well-organized crafting table.
A person wearing a respirator and gloves works carefully with resin at a well-organized crafting table, demonstrating best practices for safety and efficiency in resin crafting.

What is Resin Poisoning?

Resin poisoning occurs when you are exposed to toxic substances in certain types of resins used in crafting. These resins release harmful fumes or contain chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin, leading to health issues. Understanding these risks is crucial for safe crafting.

Is Resin Toxic?

Yes, some resins can be toxic due to the chemicals they contain and the fumes they release during the curing process such as bisphenol A (BPA) and Volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

It’s important to handle all resins with care and follow safety guidelines to minimize resin exposure.

What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are harmful chemicals that easily vaporize at room temperature and can have significant adverse effects on human health and the environment. Exposure to VOCs, often found in products like paints, varnishes, cleaning supplies, and building materials, can lead to a range of health problems. Short-term exposure can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and nausea, while long-term exposure has been linked to more severe issues such as liver and kidney damage, central nervous system disorders, and an increased risk of cancer. VOCs also contribute to indoor air pollution and the formation of ground-level ozone and smog, exacerbating respiratory conditions like asthma. Due to these risks, there is a growing emphasis on using low-VOC or VOC-free products and improving ventilation in indoor spaces to mitigate their harmful effects.

What is the Difference Between High- and Low-VOC Epoxy?

There are two different kinds of epoxy resins: high- and low-VOC.

High-VOC epoxies are generally used in factories and other industrial settings, such as on oil rigs. These epoxies are very strong and durable, but they also contain high levels of toxic chemicals that can release into the air.

Low-VOC epoxies are generally used in residential settings. They are not non-toxic epoxy resin, but they release fewer toxic chemicals into the air. making it safer for hobbyists to use in its liquid form.

Epoxy chemicals remain active until the resin has fully cured and in some extreme cases even after the curing process has taken place.

What is Bisphenol A (BPA)?

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical primarily used in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Structurally, BPA is a synthetic compound that exhibits estrogen-mimicking properties, which has raised concerns regarding its potential health effects. In the context of epoxy resin, BPA serves as a crucial building block. When combined with other chemicals, it undergoes a polymerization process, resulting in the formation of strong, durable epoxy resins.

Health Risks Associated with Bisphenol A (BPA)

Studies have linked BPA exposure to various health issues, including reproductive disorders, developmental problems in children, and increased risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. BPA can leach into food and beverages from containers made with the chemical, raising concerns about its widespread presence in everyday items. Pregnant women and young children are particularly vulnerable to its effects. Consequently, many regulatory bodies have implemented restrictions and bans on BPA in certain products, while ongoing research continues to investigate its long-term health impacts and safer alternatives.

How Resin Poisoning Can Occur

InhalationMixing, pouring, or heating resin can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, leading to health problems if inhaled over time.
Skin ContactHandling uncured resins without proper protection can lead to skin absorption of toxic chemicals.
Eye ContactFumes or splashes can cause eye irritation.
IngestionAccidental ingestion, such as touching your face with resin-contaminated hands or consuming food in a workspace, can also lead to resin poisoning.

Close-up of an arm with red, irritated skin likely due to a chemical burn.
An arm showing signs of red, irritated skin, indicating a chemical burn, which is a common hazard when working with certain chemicals.

Close-up of a person's face with a swollen and red eye due to an allergic reaction.
A person’s face showing a swollen and red eye, indicative of an allergic reaction, often caused by exposure to allergens.

What Happens If You Ingest Resin?

Ingesting resin can lead to serious health issues, including nausea, vomiting, and potentially more severe toxic reactions. If ingestion occurs, seek medical attention immediately.

Common Sources of Exposure

  • Uncured Resin: Emits more fumes and is more toxic than cured resin.
  • Resin Dust: Sanding or cutting cured resin can create dust particles that pose health risks when inhaled.
  • Chemical Additives: Additives or pigments can increase resin toxicity.

Types of Resin and Their Risks

  • Epoxy Resin: Popular for its versatility and strong bonding properties. Emits VOCs during curing, so proper ventilation is crucial.
  • Polyester Resin: Common for molds and castings. Releases harmful fumes during curing.
  • Polyurethane Resin: Known for flexibility and durability but can emit VOCs during curing and contain hazardous chemicals.
A man holding up a piece of amber-colored composite resin and examining it closely.
A man carefully examines a piece of amber-colored composite resin, demonstrating the process of comparing the strength and quality of resin materials.

Varying Toxicity Levels

The toxicity of resins can vary significantly depending on their composition and curing process. It’s essential to be aware that:

  • Low-VOC Resins: Some manufacturers produce low-VOC (volatile organic compound) resins designed to minimize harmful fumes. These are generally safer options for crafters.
  • High-VOC Resins: Resins with high VOC content can pose more significant health risks, especially if used without proper ventilation or protective gear.

How do You Know You Are Experiencing Resin Poisoning Symptoms?

Recognizing resin poisoning symptoms is essential for prompt action. Symptoms can range from mild to severe:

A person wearing gloves and a respirator shows signs of a headache and discomfort while working with resin at a crafting table.
A person at a crafting table, wearing gloves and a respirator, shows signs of a headache and discomfort, emphasizing the importance of proper ventilation and protective gear when working with resin.

You will know you are experiencing epoxy poisoning if you have any of the following symptoms after working with epoxy resins:

  1. Skin Irritation: Redness, itching, or rashes.
  2. Eye Irritation: Redness, burning, or excessive tearing.
  3. Respiratory Issues: Coughing, shortness of breath, or sore throat.
  4. Headaches: Can indicate exposure to harmful fumes.
  5. Nausea and Dizziness: More severe exposure may lead to these symptoms.
  6. Allergic Reactions: Hives, swelling, or other allergic responses.

Recognizing the Severity

It’s essential to distinguish between mild and severe symptoms. While mild symptoms may subside with fresh air and basic first aid, severe reactions require immediate medical attention. The severity of symptoms can depend on factors such as the type of resin, the duration of exposure, and individual sensitivities.

A person wearing a full-face respirator and gloves, clutching their chest in distress, surrounded by various resin crafting materials.
A person wearing a full-face respirator and gloves clutches their chest in distress amidst resin crafting materials, showcasing the potential hazards of working with resins without adequate safety precautions.

How Long Does Resin Poisoning Last?

Epoxy side effects caused by resin poisoning usually occurs only when a person is exposed to large amounts of epoxy fumes over a long period of time. However, it is possible for even short-term exposure to epoxy fumes to cause health issues.

These symptoms will last generally for as long as you are exposed to the resin.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Exposure

Understanding the differences between short-term and long-term exposure to resin is vital for managing health risks.

Exposure TypeSymptomsHealth RisksLevel of SeverityPrevention
Short-TermHeadaches, nausea, dizziness, skin irritation, eye irritation, respiratory issuesImmediate discomfort and minor health issuesMild to ModerateUse proper ventilation, wear PPE, avoid skin contact, don’t eat or drink in workspace
Long-TermChronic respiratory issues, prolonged skin conditions, increased sensitivity, potential organ damageSerious health conditions, chronic illnessesModerate to SevereConsistently use safety measures, minimize exposure duration, educate yourself continuously

Immediate First Aid Measures

  1. Seek Fresh Air: Ventilate the area and move to a clean air environment.
  2. Skin and Eye Contact: Rinse affected areas with water thoroughly.
  3. Inhalation Symptoms: Move away from the exposure source and rest in a well-ventilated area.
  4. Severe Symptoms: Call emergency services if symptoms like vomiting, difficulty breathing, or loss of consciousness occur.
  5. Seek Medical Attention: Consult a medical professional even if symptoms seem mild.
A person at a crafting table rubbing their eyes in discomfort, surrounded by various resin materials and tools.
A person at a crafting table rubs their eyes in discomfort, highlighting the importance of eye protection and proper handling techniques when working with resin.

Preventing Resin Poisoning

  1. Work in a Well-Ventilated Area: Open windows and use fans to improve air circulation.
  2. Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Use respirators, gloves, and eye protection.
  3. Avoid Skin Contact: Wear long sleeves and pants, and use barrier creams.
  4. Don’t Eat or Drink in Your Workspace: Prevent accidental ingestion.
  5. Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Adhere to safety guidelines and precautions.
  6. Store Resins Safely: Keep resins in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.
  7. Dispose of Resin Waste Properly: Follow local regulations for disposal.
  8. Be Mindful of Allergies: Take extra precautions if you have known sensitivities.
  9. Educate Yourself Continuously: Stay informed about resin safety and updates.
A woman wearing a respirator and gloves carefully pours resin into a container, emphasizing the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) in resin crafting.
A woman wearing a respirator and gloves pours resin into a container, highlighting the critical role of personal protective equipment (PPE) in ensuring safety during resin crafting projects.

What To Do If You Are Exposed To Unsafe Resin

If we do get exposed to epoxy resin, there are steps we can take to limit our exposure.

  • Wash off the epoxy with soap and water as soon as possible.
  • Change clothes, especially shoes, right away.
  • Wash off or wipe down any surfaces we were in contact with.
  • Contact a doctor or Poison Control Centre.

Choosing Safe Resin Products

  1. Read Product Labels: Look for low VOC or non-toxic properties.
  2. Research Reputable Brands: Opt for well-established brands known for safety.
  3. Seek Low-Toxicity Resins: Choose resins labelled as low-VOC or non-toxic.
  4. Consider UV Resins: Emit fewer fumes and cure under ultraviolet light.
  5. Ask for Recommendations: Engage with fellow crafters for product suggestions.
  6. Test Before Full-Scale Projects: Conduct small test projects to assess resin behaviour.
  7. Use Resin Safety Data Sheets (SDS): Understand the chemical composition and hazards.
  8. Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest developments in resin safety.

My Favourite Epoxy resin Brands are Lets Resin and Ultra clear Epoxy



Understanding resin poisoning symptoms and taking preventive measures can ensure your safety while enjoying resin crafting. Stay informed, follow safety guidelines, and share your knowledge with fellow crafters to create a safe and enjoyable crafting environment.

By following this guide, you can confidently pursue your passion for resin art while prioritizing your health and safety.

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