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Resin Fume Extraction: What it is and Why You Need It

During the curing process resin releases fumes that can be harmful to our health.

That’s why it’s important to have ventilation in place to remove these toxic fumes from the air.

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Lets explore why you need filtration in your workspace, how it works, and why you need one.

What is a Fume Extractor?

A fume extractor is a device that is designed to remove all the fumes and other harmful particulates from the work area. It works by drawing in the air from the surrounding area and passing it through a series of filters that remove any dust or toxins. The purified air is then released back into the room, making it safe for humans to breathe.

How Does a Fume Extractor Work?

Fume extraction works by using a fan or duct, with a speed control to draw in the working environment from the surrounding area for ventilation. The fumes are then passed through a pre-filter that removes any large particles, such as dust or debris. The air is then passed through a HEPA filter, which is designed to remove any smaller particles, such as toxins or other harmful particles.

The purified air is then released back into the room through a window, door, duct, or a vent, making it safe for humans to breathe. Some resin fume extractors also come with activated carbon filters that can remove any odors or gases from the working environment, making it even more purified.

Why Do You Need a Fume Extractor?

As mentioned earlier, resin fumes can be harmful to human health. When resin is heated or burned, it releases fumes that can cause respiratory problems, headaches, and other health issues. Inhaling these fumes can be particularly dangerous for people with pre-existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma or COPD.

Fume extraction can help to protect your health by removing these harmful fumes from the work space. It can also help to improve the air quality in your workspace, making it a more comfortable and safe environment to work in.

Types of Resin Fume Extractors

There are several types of resin fume extractors widely available on the market today. The most common types include portable units, benchtop units, and ducted units.

Portable UnitsPortable units are designed to be easily moved from one location to another. They are typically smaller in size and are an ideal solution for smaller workspaces or for people who need to move around frequently.
Bench Top UnitsBenchtop units are designed to sit on a workbench or table. They are typically larger than portable units and are ideal for larger workspaces or for people who need higher volume of filtration.
Duct UnitsDuct units are designed to be installed in a full enclosure or fixed location and are connected to a duct system that runs throughout the workspace or enclosure, often connecting to an exhaust fan. They are typically the largest type of ventilation unit and are ideal for a large enclosure or for people who need a more permanent venting solution.

Types of Filters in Fume Extraction Units

Pre-FilterThe pre-filter is the first line of defense in fume extractors. It removes any large particulates, such as dust or debris, from the atmosphere before it passes through the other filters. The pre-filter is usually made of foam or a similar material that can be easily removed and cleaned.
HEPA FilterThese filters are designed to remove smaller particulates, such as toxins or dust, from the atmosphere. They are made of a tightly woven material that traps dust as small as 0.3 microns. They are very effective in removing allergens, dust mites, and other small particulate from the air.
Activated Carbon FilterAn activated carbon filters are used to remove odors and gases from the air. They work by the carbon absorbing the odor or gas molecules and holding them in the a carbon filter. an activated carbon filter is commonly used in epoxy fume extractors to remove the strong odors that are produced during the curing process.
Chemical FilterA chemical filter is used to remove specific chemicals from the air. They are designed to be used in situations where there is a high concentration of a specific chemical in the air. Chemical filters are typically used in industrial settings where there is a risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.
Electrostatic FilterElectrostatic filters use magnets and an electrical charge to attract and capture dust. Electrostatic filters are commonly used in combination with other filters to increase their effectiveness.
Combination FiltersCombination filters are designed to remove multiple types of particles and odors from the air. They typically include a combination of pre-filters, HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, and other filters that are specifically designed to remove specific types of particulates or odors.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Correct Fume Extraction

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When choosing a type of fume extraction , there are several factors to consider. These include the size of your workspace, the type of resin you are working with, if particulates from sanding and polishing resin as well and the number of people who will be working in the area.

You should also consider the noise level of the fume extraction, as some models can be quite loud. Additionally, you should consider the cost of the unit, as well as components to replace, such as the cost of replacement filters, as these can add up over time.


In conclusion, fume extraction is a necessary tool for anyone working with wood or resin. It can help to protect your health by removing harmful dust and fumes and can also help to improve the air quality in your workspace

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