Various finished resin bookmarks displayed on a wooden table, featuring different designs including glitter, dried flowers, and colorful dyes.

How to Make Resin Bookmarks – DIY Resin Bookmarks Tutorial


A bookmark not only helps you track your progress in a book but also allows you to return to the exact spot you were reading. If you’re a bookworm, a bookmark is an essential tool. Even better, you can create unique, personalized bookmarks using epoxy resin.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to make your own resin bookmarks, providing tips from research and experts to enhance your crafting experience.

Supplies Needed For This Project

  • Resin bookmark mold
  • Gloves & respirator mask
  • Hardener and Resin
  • Measuring & Mixing cups
  • Silicone craft mat
  • Stir sticks
  • Tassels
  • Filling material (glitter, pressed flowers, etc.)
A clean and organized workspace set up for making resin bookmarks with various supplies arranged neatly.
An organized workspace with all the necessary supplies for making resin bookmarks.

Preparation and General Tips

1. Personal Safety

Resin and hardeners are chemical compounds that can cause skin irritation and emit harmful vapors. Always wear nitrile gloves and a respirator mask, and ensure your workspace is well-ventilated. Protective goggles are also recommended to safeguard your eyes​ ​.

2. Protect the Work Area

Clean your workspace to remove any moisture, dirt, oil, or wax. Lay down wax paper or a large silicone mat to protect the surface from resin spills​ ​.

3. Choose a Resin Bookmark Mold

Select from various custom handmade bookmark molds or use rectangle silicone molds. Be mindful not to overfill the molds to avoid creating bookmarks that are too thick.

4. Determine the Amount of Resin You Need

Calculate the amount of resin needed based on the size of your molds. Use a small measuring cup or syringe filled with water to estimate the volume required.

5. Spray a Release Agent into the Molds

Clean your molds and spray them with a release agent, then let them dry. This will make it easier to remove your bookmarks once the resin hardens.

Close-up of hands wearing nitrile gloves, mixing resin and hardener in a measuring cup with a wooden stick.
Carefully mixing resin and hardener to create a smooth, bubble-free mixture.

Steps of Making Resin Bookmarks

1. Prepare Resin

Accurately measure your resin and hardener using separate measuring cups. If using a 1:1 ratio, ensure the volumes are equal. Mix them in a cup, stirring slowly to avoid bubbles, for about 2 minutes. Let the mixture sit briefly to allow bubbles to rise and pop​.

2. Add Color to the Mixture (Optional)

If desired, add dye, glitter, or mica powder to the resin. Stir gently for another minute to incorporate the color evenly.

3. Pour Resin into the Molds

Pour a small amount of resin into the bottom of each mold and let it dry until it is no longer tacky, which can take 8 to 12 hours.

A person wearing a respirator mask and gloves, carefully pouring mixed resin into a silicone bookmark mold.
Carefully pouring mixed resin into silicone molds to create beautiful bookmarks

4. Add Embellishments

Once the initial layer is set, add your favorite decorative items like pressed flowers, glitter, or sequins. Ensure these items are fully submerged and placed where you want them.

Close-up shot of dried flowers, glitter, gold flakes, and tiny charms laid out on a crafting table.
A variety of decorative items to personalize your resin bookmarks.

5. Pour the Second Layer

Slowly pour the top layer of resin to cover the embellishments, starting at the center and allowing it to flow to the sides. Avoid overfilling the molds. Use a toothpick or stirrer to adjust any items that rise to the surface.

6. Pop Out Bubbles

Large bubbles can be popped with a toothpick, while smaller ones can be removed using a heat gun or torch​​.

7. Allow Curing

Cover your pieces to protect them from dust and let them cure overnight. Full curing may take 24 to 72 hours, depending on room temperature​​.

A resin bookmark with embedded glitter and dried flowers curing under a UV light, with a glowing effect.
Curing a resin bookmark under UV light for a perfect finish.

8. Un-Mold the Bookmarks

Carefully remove the bookmarks from the molds once they are fully cured. If you used a release agent, this should be straightforward.

9. Set a Tassel

Drill a tiny hole in the top of the bookmark and tie on a tassel. You can also use embroidery thread or colorful ribbon to make your bookmarks more attractive​​.

Finished resin bookmarks with embedded dried flowers, glitter, and colorful dyes, each with a tassel attached.
Beautifully crafted resin bookmarks with various designs, ready for use.

10. Finishing Touches

Sand the edges with 1000-grit sandpaper and polish with wood oil to give your bookmarks a shiny finish.

A finished resin bookmark being polished with 1000-grit sandpaper, showing a smooth, glossy finish with embedded flowers and glitter.
Polishing a resin bookmark to achieve a smooth, glossy finish.


Creating resin bookmarks is a fun and creative project. By following these steps and incorporating tips from experts, you can make beautiful and durable bookmarks. Feel free to experiment with different colors, materials, and techniques to personalize your creations.

Close-up of a resin bookmark with embedded dried flowers and glitter, with a tassel attached at the top.
A beautifully crafted resin bookmark with embedded dried flowers and a tassel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Will my resin bookmark be flexible?
    • Epoxy bookmarks can be flexible if they haven’t fully cured. This can also happen due to improper mixing or using compromised resin. Typically, bookmarks should harden completely within 24 to 72 hours, depending on the room temperature and resin type​.
  2. Can I embed flowers in resin bookmarks?
    • Yes! You can embed dried flowers, leaves, or other decorative items in epoxy resin to create beautiful, personalized bookmarks. Ensure the flowers are completely dry to prevent any moisture from affecting the resin​​.
  3. How much epoxy do I need to make resin bookmarks?
    • The amount of epoxy required depends on the size and number of your molds. Smaller bookmark molds similar to shaker molds will need very little resin compared to larger projects. To estimate, fill your mold with water and measure the volume to determine how much resin you need.
  4. How can I prevent bubbles in my resin bookmarks?
    • To prevent bubbles, mix the resin and hardener slowly and let the mixture sit for a few minutes before pouring. If bubbles appear after pouring, you can use a heat gun or torch to pop them. Also, pouring the resin slowly and in thin layers can help minimize bubble formation.
  5. Why is my resin bookmark still tacky after 24 hours?
    • If your resin bookmark is still tacky after 24 hours, it might be due to incorrect resin-to-hardener ratio, insufficient mixing, or a low room temperature. Ensure you measure accurately and mix thoroughly. Sometimes, curing can take up to 72 hours, especially in cooler environments​​.
  6. What can I use to add color to my resin bookmarks?
    • You can use various colorants such as resin dyes, mica powders, and alcohol inks. These additives can create vibrant and unique designs. Just make sure to mix them thoroughly into the resin to avoid streaks and uneven coloring.
  7. Can I use UV resin for making bookmarks?
    • Yes, UV resin can be used for making bookmarks and it cures much faster than traditional epoxy resin. However, UV resin works best for small, thin projects and requires a UV light to cure. It can provide a superior shine and finish compared to other types of resin​.
  8. How do I add a tassel to my resin bookmark?
    • To add a tassel, drill a tiny hole at the top of the bookmark using a small drill bit or Dremel tool. Thread the tassel loop through the hole and secure it. You can use embroidery thread, ribbon, or pre-made tassels for this step​.
  9. Are there any safety precautions I should follow when working with resin?
    • Absolutely! Always work in a well-ventilated area and wear protective gear such as nitrile gloves, a respirator mask, and goggles. Resin and hardeners can emit harmful vapors and cause skin irritation, so it’s important to protect yourself during the crafting process​.
  10. Can I make bookmarks with other types of resin?
    • Yes, you can experiment with different types of resin, such as polyester resin or polyurethane resin. Each type has its own properties and curing processes, so be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for best results. However, epoxy resin is most commonly used for its ease of use and excellent results​ (SpringerLink)​.

Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or need further assistance with your resin projects!

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